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Our Goals

To provide the Word of God to those who perhaps have never  taken the time to read it.  

  • To encourage and uplift those  who are incarcerated via         spiritual letters and information. 

  • To provide an opportunity for  those wanting to further their spiritual education via a link to an accredited full-gospel       Bible study program.  

  • To provide an outlet for talent,  by posting writings, poems  and artwork on the internet.

About Us


Our Mission is simple-- to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with men and women in prison and to place Christ's Heart In Every Felon..


In 2006 a ministry was birthed due to the need to place Bibles in the hands of the prisoners in Texas.  This ministry began to purchase New Century Version Bibles that are easier to understand as many prisoners have never picked up a bible before.

 As the ministry expanded and men have gotten deeper into the word, King James Version Study Bibles have also been given and Spanish Versions as well.  Several older inmates who don't see well have received Large Print Bibles.  


 This ministry has aimed to place Christ's Heart In Every Felon, thus the name CHIEF MINISTRIES was born and the truth of the scripture in I Timothy Chapter 1:15 rings true.  


 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinner's of whom I am chief.”

 This ministry has come into existence due to God placing His love into a man who has experience prison first hand.  This man just happens to be Native American.  Through him, and his mother in Oklahoma, and numerous volunteers, helpers and donors, this ministry has and will continue to be faithful to the call.


 Letters of encouragement, ministry articles and even Bible studies are sent to an ever-growing numbers of CHIEFS.  Please E-mail us if you'd like to be a partner of this ministry.  Your tax-deductible gift can help change a life.  Your letter of encouragement to a prisoner may be that blessing needed at the right time.


 Help us place Christ's Heart in Every Felon.

 May God Bless You for your faithfulness to His Kingdom!


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